Lloydminster Hospital Takes Flight
On June 25th 2019, the Lloydminster Region Health Foundation officially released a massive project that took well over a year to create. Many man hours were spent on the planning and creation of this necessary function for our local community. It will save lives.
In late 2017 Malcolm Radke (CEO LRHF) had approached us with a major plan to develop a piece of land donated by ” Husky” located directly across from our hospital. The plan you might ask? to develop a fully functional “Helipad” manned 24/7 that will allow life saving activities. The task was large but the community stepped up large with Husky donating the land and helping with the planning and Musgrave Agencies helping with the development. We stepped up to the plate with our Rotary Club and delivered a $50,000 cheque in support of this amazing cause helping along the way and again leaving a major footprint in our community that will help save lives.